Yeast Infection Remedies: Why Yeast Infections Affect Mostly Women?

A severely uncomfortable situation where it itch very bad, irritation is apparent, and redness in the area is highly noticeable. These are just a few of the possible symptoms associated with yeast infection. The unbearable itching caused by yeast infections is one of the reasons why people try are all over the place in finding a quick, inexpensive solution. From home made remedies to commercially available medicines, people will try almost anything. But what are the reasons why yeast infection attacks mostly women? Let’s get the answer for that question a little later. First things first.

Candida albicans, that’s the culprit. This microorganism is always present in damp areas in our body. Initially, when everything’s normal, Candida does not do anything to us. The normal balance between good and bad bacteria is usually maintained by our body. However, triggered by outside stimulus, this balance is destroyed leaving the organism Candida free to grow and populate. This overgrowth of microorganisms results to irritation and redness. Itchiness will of course be among the symptoms of the infection.

Why is it more common to women? Even though men have the potential of becoming infected as well, there are several factors in women which increase the risks of being infected. According to some studies, it is estimated that 25% to 50% of women have in their bodies the microorganisms that caused the infection. However, due to the presence of other bacteria, the amount of Candida in specific areas remains tolerable to the body. It is when this balance of microorganisms becomes disrupted that causes the excessive growth of the Candida which is followed by an infection of the affected area.

As the population of Candida grows, so do the infected areas. Stopping the various symptoms associated with yeast infection means addressing the various symptoms, factors, and situations one by one. The cause of the excessive growth of the yeast in that area can be associated with drinking antibiotics. Antibiotics disrupt the presence of other microorganisms that control the population of Candida. This is why yogurt is a recommended application for people with yeast infections. The microorganisms present in yogurt help restore the balance between microorganisms.

Women also have a greater risk of being diagnosed of having yeast infection is due to the estrogen level in women. This is the reason why women who take estrogen-containing birth control pills and those who are pregnant. Women at this stage or those who share the same objectives have very erratic hormonal balance which affects the population of Candida.

Other possible causes of yeast infections include detergents, fabric softeners, feminine and hygiene sprays, and forms of contraceptives like foams or jellies. Getting older might also trigger the growth of the bacteria especially if you are already undergoing menopause. In menopause, the estrogen levels drop which results to the thinning of the vaginal wall making it more susceptible to different kinds of organisms which could lead to various infections, including but not limited to yeast.

Stress is also considered one of the factors that can worsen the situation. An increase in vaginal itching might result to a decrease in the membrane of the outer wall in the vagina which will eventually increase vaginal itching.

Yeast infection attacks mostly women due to the already mentioned conditions. Knowing these conditions and situations may be a good thing to help prevent the infection to develop or spread.

Yeast Infection Remedies: Quick Relief Solutions For Yeast Infections

The causes cannot be pinpointed to one, but rather to different factors which can be triggered by various elements and stimuli. That would be a good definition of how one gets yeast infections. To some, however, the origins of the condition do not matter or concerns them very little for they are more focused in finding ways to treat their condition. They want quick relief solutions for their yeast infection which is quite understandable since the infection can bring some very uncomfortable conditions.

Those who have the infection usually suffer a great deal of itching, redness, and irritation. The use of medicines, either commercially available or the use that are home made or alternative medications are pretty much sought after by women who suffer with the infection. There are still a number of techniques where people can use to have an immediate relief from the accompanying conditions of the infection.

One of the more simple and easy technique that can be used is the application of yogurt. Yes yogurt. Yogurt can be applied on the affected areas to achieve a soothing and cooling effect. Why yogurt? Yogurt contains friendly bacteria which helps control the population of the yeast microorganism in the affected areas. However, please note that the yogurt to be used should not be sweetened nor should it be heated. Yogurt is more effective if it is left on the affected area for at least 60 minutes after application. Just let the microorganism work and balance out each other before rinsing the yogurt.

This may not be an immediate solution, but maintaining a good diet would be a good way to treat a yeast infection. Poor diet can easily aggravate a situation like the overgrowth of yeast. The increase acidity in the digestive track as well as high acidity levels in the blood can create an environment favorable to the overgrowth of yeast in the body. You should understand that yeast is normally present in our body. It is their overgrowth which creates the infection.

Another quick relief solution would be that use of vinegar on the affected area. One of the most effective would be apple cider vinegar solution which is applied on the yeast infected areas. Others mix the vinegar in a warm water bath and spend a couple of minutes bathing in the solution. Apply cider vinegar is great to balance out the levels of acid and alkaline in the body. It flushes out the excess acid.

Another organic material that could offer some immediate relief is garlic. The antiseptic properties inherent in garlic help eliminate bacteria and fungi so it’s perfect for yeast. Also be aware the yeast infection is not limited in the private areas. The mouth is also a prime place where an overgrowth of yeast can occur.

Now, do understand that the various techniques mentioned are ideal for infections that can be considered less serious and mild. For conditions that are more severe, a combination of various treatment techniques would be a more effective method of curing the disease. Your doctor will most like prescribe a combination of treatments to effectively curb the grown of yeast in our body.

The best option would be to undergo a full treatment procedure. But at the same time, applying some quick relief solutions for yeast infection to, at least, get immediate reprieve from the itchiness and irritation.